How? The eco-footprint of most businesses is people-shaped. Because it’s salaries that power the consumption that drives climate change.

Sign up to Planet Positive People and we’ll neutralize the eco-footprint of your employees!

What is a planet positive person?

We all generate an eco-footprint – it’s an unavoidable bi-product of the way we live and work. In the UK, the typical annual eco-footprint looks like this…

So to become planet positive, we have to rebalance these negative impacts with a set of larger, positive impacts.

And that’s what Planet Positive People does.

For each Planet Positive Person, each month we will:

  • Offset 1.1 tonnes of CO2 emissions

  • Recover and repurpose 3kg of plastic waste

  • Plant 1 tree

Evidence of climate impact delivered on behalf of the Planet Positive community is available in the Greenify Impact Ledger

Choosing to greenify your organisation through Planet Positive People is beautifully simple, yet incredibly powerful.

Subscription costs £16.50 + VAT per person per month.

And for brands with climate-savvy customers, partners and employees, the commercial benefits of greenifying your business are compelling.

  • Gain a powerful eco-credential and add an authentic green pillar to your brand.
  • Boost employee wellbeing and retention, with a market leading staff perk.
  • Demonstrate to customers, staff, suppliers and partners that you’re taking real and measurable action on climate change.
  • Empower your business to engage with climate-aware audiences.
  • Enhance employer value proposition, particularly with climate-aware Gen Z and millennials.
  • Gain a powerful environmental statement for use in tenders and company reports.

Included in your subscription:

  • Monthly Impact Statements – detailing the cumulative climate impact delivered by your Planet Positive People subscription.
  • Employee Pack – an in-depth illustration of what it means to be a Planet Positive Person.
  • Media assets – including logos and subscriber Sustainability Statement.

"Can I subscribe a team to Planet Positive People, rather than my entire workforce?"

Sure you can. We love it when businesses make their entire workforce planet positive. But we know that some organisations want to start with a single department or team, or even just a key individual or two. And that’s fine.

And do something extraordinary.